Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

January pictures

Do you have cooties?

This is the funniest video of Aden. Chip and I were watching "Challenge" on the Food Network and the theme was beauty pageant cakes. One of the little girls wrote "You have cooties!" on her drawing of a cake. When Chip asked Aden "Do you have cooties", Aden cracked up laughing, which totally caught us off guard. I ran for the camera. The video is a little dark but I didn't want to waste any time recording this sweet little laugh.


Aden is almost 6 months old.  He is so inquistitive, but what baby isn't.  He is totally in to textures (like Oma's pillow below), touching everything (his bouncy thingy), and pulling things (like Mommy and Gunner's hair).  His favorite "thing" today is the phone from Rainey's kitchen set.  When it is out of reach, he pushes his butt up in the air and kicks his legs so hard to reach it.  I have a feeling he's going to be crawling in no time!  And, he is almost sitting up by himself. 

Rainey playing with Aden

Oma's pillow

Bike trailer

We bought a bike trailer last week and decided today would be a good day to try it out.  We rode from our house to the coffee shop and back.  What a wonderful ride!  Aden feel asleep on the way there, played with Rainey at the coffee shop, then feel asleep on the way back.  Rainey talked to the whole time.  What a great family experience!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What's wrong with this picture?

Continuation of toddler three, nap time.  Rainey feel asleep on his floor.  Shouldn't he be in his bed?  I picked him up to put him in his bed and he didn't even wake up.  Tired boy! 

Friday, January 22, 2010

Toddler bed

Aden woke up around 6:15 this morning.  After I fed him, I laid him on the living room floor while I got my pump ready in the kitchen.  About 10 minutes later, I freaked!!  I heard a door open/shut.  Rainey was crying hysterically.  The dogs' ears perked up.  Who was in my house?  Who grabbed Rainey? 

When I turned on the hallway light, I saw Rainey leaving his room, cyring, trying to shut his bedroom door.  Then it hit me.  HE FELL OUT OF HIS CRIB!!  Well, I think he flipped out.  When I picked him up to bring him back in his room to change his diaper, he didn't want to go.  He looked at his crib like "it threw me out!" 

I think we'll be changing his crib to a toddler bed this weekend.  Chip will be home and can help me wrangle him back into his bed if he tries to escape.  We are going to have to child proof his bathroom since it connects to his bedroom.  Wish us luck!

Coloring on his picnic table
(which will eventually go outside when the weather is nice)

Helping Mommy cook dinner

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pinot & Picasso

For Mother's Night Out, eight moms went to a place called "Pinot & Picasso".  For three hours, a local artist walks you through an entire painting, while you sip on wine and snack on appetizers.  They supply the canvas, paints, brushes, plates, wine glasses, etc.  All you have to bring is the wine and food.  It was a great time.  And I think my final product actually came out pretty good.  Oma should be impressed :)

Train track

I finally got Rainey's train track put together.  Instead of walking around the table to push the trains, Rainey decides it's easier to sit on the table.  Lazy or creative?  His play room is getting packed!  I still have a picnic table to put together (but I don't know how to use a socket wrench so I have to wait for Chip).

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My little cowboy

It just so happened that on the same day Rainey is wearing his overalls, he finds Daddy's cowboy hat in a drawer.  He was so cute running around the house with it on.  I couldn't get him to stop so I could take a good picture of him.

Sweet boy is now 5 months old!!

All I have to say is "time flies"! 

Funny story.  I went to the gym this morning and dropped both Aden and Rainey in child watch.  When I went to pick up Aden, I couldn't find him.  He wasn't in the crib where I left him sleeping in his car seat.  He wasn't in a swing or bouncy seat.  I finally saw his two little feet on the other side of a rocking chair.  As I walked over to him, I could hear babies crying.  As I came around the rocking chair, there were three 1-yr-olds sitting in a row crying, all the while Aden is laying on his belly in front of them just looking at them.  He had this look on his face like "what's wrong with you guys?".  That's my boy!

Brotherly love :)
Aden loves to touch Rainey but the feeling is not mutual.

In high chair for the first time

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I took Aden to the doctor yesterday for a 4:30p appointment.  We didn't get in to see the doctor until 6:30p.  He has a pretty bad cough and congestion.  The doctor is watching him for RSV infection (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), which is a viral disease of the lungs.  She explained it as a severe cold in adults, but infants and children have a much harder time fighting it off.  He is not running a fever which is a good sign.  We want to make sure it doesn't spread to his lungs.  Right now, he is on an inhaler every couple of hours and is best if he stays upright.  RSV season is now until March.  Breastfed babies seem to handle it better than formula, so luckily I am still breastfeeding.  He doesn't have much appetite and is sleeping much more than normal.  We are staying inside this weekend!

Rainey was sick last week with congestion and is finally getting better.  I guess that's how the story goes, as one gets better, the other gets sick.  Let's hope we can break this cycle.


Thought I'd share these pictures with you as well.  I took them about 1/2 mile from our house on the way home from Walgreens.  It's 18 degrees outside and this guy is all fluffed up.  We think it's a redtail hawk.  Very cool!

Found more pics

Learning to read a book

Rainey playing with his new kitchen set from Christmas!

Trying to give little brother a hug....sweet boys!

Opa thought I was holding a doll at first,
but it's just Aden sound asleep

Aden breaking in Chip's new beanbag he got for Christmas

Now that I've pulled out the smaller toys and rattles for Aden,
guess whose getting in the basket

Picture 1 of 3

Picture 2 of 3

Wow!  Look at that face :)

He's just a little too big to sit in this but he doesn't mind

I don't think these glasses were made for TV watching

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Resolution Run

Chip and I ran our first 5k of 2010 at midnight on New Year's Eve.  It was cold, the wind was blowing but we had a great time!  We both finished 10th place in our age groups so I guess we "tied".  It reminded us of old times and we are planning to run many more (not to mention the Dallas 1/2 marathon in March).

Christmas 2009

We drove to Atlanta this year to spend Christmas with Chip's family, especially Granny (Rainey and Aden's great-grandmother) who is 97 years old.  She looks great!  While there, we went to Granny's Christmas party at Joy's, to the Atlanta Aquarium, climbed Stone Mountain, and found some time in between to relax.  We had a great time, but next year, no travelling!  All of our pictures can be viewed at:

Granny and Aden

Rainey is sitting in his great-grandfather's high chair,
who he is named after (the chair has to be at least 90 yrs old)

Granny's party at Joy's house

Matching pj's :)

Stone Mountain