Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No change!

I am so disappointed. I am still 2cm dilated. I guess pulling weeds in the front yard last night didn't help any. Chip is happy. He wants me to go full term, but he's not the one carrying this bundle. I have been given the okay to resume normal activity since I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow. We'll see what happens - next appointment in one week.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Park

Here are some pictures we took at the park on our way home from church on Sunday.


I love my mommy!

Oma's birthday

Oma turned 60 this past Saturday. Here are some pics we took before going out to dinner. We also took some pictures in the park on our way home from church on Sunday.

Look how great my husband looks!! He lost his belly, I found mine :)

Opa, Oma and Rainey

Ants go marching....

Rainey loves the "Ants Go Marching" song. Here he is dancing in his carseat on the way home. Thanks Anne and Woopsie - we love all of the Baby Einstein DVDs.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Only 8 more cm to go!

As of yesterday, I am 2 cm dilated and a little thinned out. He is definitely in position, head down, and ready to go. I did however lose 2 pounds this past week (making my total weight gain 6 pounds). I finally asked the doctor if she was at all concerned about my minimal weight gain. She said no because I have been measuring perfect and the ultrasound showed Aden was right on target with his weight.

I am still on orders to take it easy until July 30. That being said, Chip and I went to a Coldplay concert last night. Chip was very hesitant to go but I really wanted to. This was something we had planned for a long time. We had a great time!!! It was an awesome concert! The band was great and the venue was cool (Woodlands Pavilion). We are definitely planning to go back sometime.

My parents are coming back in town Sunday and my mom is going to stay until Aden arrives and then a few weeks after to help. As most of you know, I delivered Rainey at 35 1/2 weeks and today I am 35 weeks. Watch, Aden will probably have to be induced since everyone is anticipating his arrival. Now, it's just a waiting game.

Picture from my baby shower....
very cool monogrammed burp cloth with Auburn's logo

New shoes

I bought Rainey a new pair of shoes. Every time he wears them, he likes to "stomp" his feet because the soles are hard so he can hear his steps. While we were at the dealership waiting to have my car serviced, he walked across this and loved it because it made even more noise.

Another haircut....but shorter

While Daddy was shooting last weekend, I took Rainey to get another haircut. I can't believe how fast it grows. Anyways, we decided to go short again. He loves it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Aden Update

Aden is measuring at about 5 1/2 lbs. and head down. I am 1 cm dilated (I can stay this way for weeks). Doctor's orders are to take it easy for the next two weeks. She wants me to make it to 36 weeks, July 30th. After that, I can do whatever! Next appointment is Wednesday, July 22.

The ultrasound tech took a couple of 3D pictures. I swear, he looks just like Rainey with his chubby cheeks.

Chubby cheeks

Sweet boy!

Side profile - he has his hand in his mouth.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

On the mend

The pediatrician checked Rainey's stomach and said it sounded good. He is still recovering from the stomach bug and it may take another week to resolve itself. He doesn't want to eat because he knows it will make his tummy hurt. He does have a yeast infection along with a bad diaper rash. She recommended Lotrimin AF and Dr. Smith's diaper rash cream. I love the cream! It is expensive but totally worth it. In just using it a few times this afternoon, I can really tell a difference.

Good news, Rainey ate a little dinner, then a snack before bed. That is a good sign!

Poor guy

Rainey has been sick since Sunday. He woke up screaming Sunday morning. As I picked him up out of his crib, he vomited in his bed. It scared him as much as it scared me. I freaked!! This is the first time that he has actually been sick. Later that morning, he started having diarrhea. This continued all day. I will spare you of all the details. It's not pretty. I called the nurse line later that afternoon and they seemed to think it was a 24-48 hour stomach bug.

Okay, now it's Wednesday and he still has diarrhea and now a severe diaper rash. My little guy is so miserable. I called the doctor's office and they are going to fit us in today. I hope she can help. I'm miserable just watching him!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Skinny Dipping

Well, with the heat index well over the 100's, Rainey had his first skinny dipping experience yesterday. But the cutest moment was when he started peeking through the fence at the construction workers. I couldn't resist taking a picture! I'm sure I'll get in trouble for this when he gets older.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Family blog

With the pending approach of Aden John Giles, I have decided to turn this blog into our family blog. I just don't think I can maintain two separate blogs, one for Rainey and Aden, and I think it will be easier for everyone to keep up with us :)

I am open to any title suggestions (ie. Rainey Days and Aden's Ways, The Boys and I, etc).

Mommy is getting big!

I will be 33 weeks tomorrow (8 months, 1 week). I have a doctor's appointment in the afternoon so maybe we'll get an ultrasound and see how Aden is positioned. I told Chip I think he dropped over a week ago. Not much longer!! Just remember, I delivered Rainey at 35 1/2 weeks!!

(The pictures are kind of fuzzy since I took them on a timer.)

My belly button is out! Doesn't that mean I'm ready :)

Pool party

I forgot I had these on my camera. A couple of weekends ago, we went to a neighbor's house who was having a pool party for the kiddos and a get-together for the adults. The funny thing was Rainey and his friends wanted to play in the pool that had no water.

My little man!

Oh, it was hot outside!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Picture update

Pictures from Father's Day Weekend:

Three generations of Giles:
Rainey teaching Grandad and Chip how to say "I'm one."

Happy Father's Day!

Using Chip's laptop board

Enjoying the pool

Aunt Amy

Kissing on Grandad

Reading with Grandma "Sissy" and Aunt Amy