Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Aden's 2 week check-up

Aden had his two week check-up this morning (he is actually 12 days old). The doctor said he is "perfect". His umbilical cord fell off two days ago and his belly button looks good. He actually gained almost one pound in the last week and she was impressed. She said she would have been happy if he gained only half a pound. We go back in four weeks for his first round of shots. Here are his stats:

Height: 21 1/4" (90 percentile)
Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz (10-25 percentile)
Head circumference: 35 cm (10-25 percentile)

Laying on the exam table at doctor's office

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How sweet is this!

I think this picture speaks for itself!

Feeding the ducks

Daddy bought Rainey a huge bag of corn for the neighborhood ducks. He loves feeding them! I think this my become part of our night routine after dinner :)

Grandad and Grandma Sissy

Monday, August 24, 2009

Rainey and Aden

Rainey is warming up to his little brother Aden as you can see from the pictures below. He is such a good big brother!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Additional pics from home

Aden is just like Rainey. He is very quiet and content. He is sleeping 2-3 hours at a time. He doesn't even want me waking him to eat.

Here are just a few of the pictures we have taken thus far. All of our pictures will be posted to Picasa. Feel free to view at any time.

Rainey reading while I'm feeding Aden

Won't wake up for his meal - wonder what he's thinking????

Right after bath time

Enjoying a piece of Aden's cake from the hospital

Daddy and Aden

My two boys (three boys if you notice Gunner next to us)

Hospital pictures

Here are more pictures from the hospital. The cake actually was a gift from the hospital and it was really good!!!


Aden is doing great! We went back to the doctor this morning for another follow-up visit. He is back to his birth weight of 6 lbs 14 ozs already (he gained 7 ozs in two days). Must be that milk :) His bilirubin count is a little high but nothing to worry about since he is gaining weight and having plenty of poopy diapers.

Both boys are asleep again! Time to catch up!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Took Aden to the doctor this morning for an early follow-up. He is looking good. Had to have blood work drawn to test for jaundice. His hospital result was a "little on the high side" and since Rainey had it when he was born, they want to check Aden early. We go back for a follow-up on Thursday and to learn the results.

Aden is napping in front of the window now soaking up some rays.

We had a great first night home. Aden is a quiet sleeper. He definitely doesn't like having a wet or poopy diaper and will let me know when that happens. He is also a great eater. No problems latching on. I love it!

Rainey is warming up to this little brother. I was getting ready to sit on the couch this morning to feed Aden when Rainey crawled up there first. It was so cute. He still doesn't know what to think but is slowly warming up to him. He helps me throw away Aden's dirty diapers in the trash can, like such a big boy!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Aden John Giles is here!

Oma and I had pedicures yesterday afternoon around 3:30. We got home around 4:30 and started cooking dinner. At 5:00 pm, I started feeling sharp pains and knew it was time to go. Chip drove me to the hospital and we arrived at 5:40.

Upon admission, I was 4-5 cm dilated, 80% effaced. The contractions were coming on strong and fast. My water was still intact. After about an hour, I started to feel nauseous and the new shift nurse said she would check me as this was a sign I was getting ready to deliver. I was now 7 cm with baby's head real low and a protruding bag of water. She called the doctor immediately and said not to push.

The doctor broke my bag of water around 7:30'sh and Aden was born at 8:02 pm. He was 6 lbs 14 ozs, 19 inches long. He scored 9.9 out of 10 on APGAR and is doing great. The pediatrician checked him earlier today and everything looks great. It was hard but I managed to do it without an epidural or any pain meds. Chip laughed at me because I was yelling at the doctor to "push" instead of the doctor yelling at me to push. It all happened so fast and is again one of the best experiences of my life (next to my wedding and having Rainey).

We will be in the hospital until late tomorrow night. Enjoy the pics. More to come.
PS - Our blog title has been changed to "These Boys of Mine" in memory of our wedding song by Otis Redding "These Arms of Mine". I also changed the http address so make sure to update your favorites.

Listen to those lungs!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Aden update

I just came from my 38 week doctor's appointment. I am now 4 cm dilated. My doctor actually asked me if I was ready to schedule a date to come in for delivery. Since I am planning a natural birth, I asked if I could wait. She was okay with that only because we don't live very far from the hospital. She suspects I will deliver pretty quick and wants to make sure I make it to the hospital. She could actually feel my bag of waters when she checked me. She doesn't think I will make it another week. My gut feeling says Saturday, August 15, but we'll have to wait and see.

I think I'm having a mild contraction right now. Go baby go!

Per Oma, no more trips to downtown Houston!!

New pool/sandbox

This is a picture of Rainey's (and Mommy's) new pool for the backyard. Both of us just couldn't fit in the kiddie pool anymore. I have also attached pictures from lunch today where Rainey (red and white stripes), Maddy and unknown boy were playing in the sandbox. They had so much fun!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We are teaching Rainey to wear sunglasses. He didn't realize Oma put them on top of his head while shopping this afternoon. He is all boy!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

New ride

My front seat passenger in my new soccer-mom-wanna-be minivan. I love it!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Slow but steady

I had my 37 week check-up today. I am now a whopping 2 1/2 - 3 cm dilated. The good news is my doctor doesn't think I'll go full-term, to August 27. It is a full moon tonight so maybe something will happen :)

On a side note, we sold my Acadia (for a great deal I might add) and bought a minivan. I know everyone says I don't look like the minivan mom type but they are so nice on the inside. I just hope Rainey doesn't miss the DVD player. If so, we'll buy a portable one. I don't think he'll mind. He'll soon have Aden to keep him company in the back.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Water time in the backyard

I know, more naked butt pictures but that's the only way to go in Texas when it's over 100 degrees outside. We were playing in the baby pool when Gunner decided to jump in and chase the water. And if you are wondering, NO I don't wear this bikini in public. I thought I'd be brave and wear it in the backyard, then Oma decided to take pics.

July pictures

Now you can view all our July pictures on Picasa. Enjoy!

Brazos State Park

We packed a lunch and went to Brazos State Park yesterday afternoon, looking for alligators. Unfortnately, we didn't see any but had a great time walking and visiting the Nature Center.

Petting a snake!

Petting a baby alligator!

All tired out from walking
We love Rainey's backpack and so does he!!
Eating his sandwich before we walk

The Park

One of the nice things about our neighborhood is that they have a lot of walking paths and parks for the kiddos. Rainey is big enough now where we can crawl up the steps and go down the slides. But oh no, he wants to go down the "big kids" slides, over and over and over again. He starts off on his stomach, turns onto his back halfway down, and then turns back onto his stomach so he can push himself out. He is not afraid!

Riding with Oma

He only tried this once, then went to the big slide.